organic cotton from seed!
I bought a cotton vest in Padstow recently, in Seasalt, an accredited ethical clothing company based in Cornwall. Not only is it certified organic cotton, it's a gorgeous colour! By luck it was in the sale though buying it wasn't a spontaneous consumerist response to finding a "bargain". I have been on the lookout all summer for a vest (organic, fair trade), my old two being over 10 years old and anyway... lost! A vest was a "need" not a "want", and I managed not to be seduced by any other delightful things in the shop.
What was a bargain was discovering one of the attached labels was in fact a packet of seeds! It advises me I can sew them in the summer (inside on a sunny windowsill) and later plant them outside (in a sunny place)... and to water them well. And regularly remove pests such as aphids or caterpillars. Later they should flower and (if there's enough sun) the resultant bolls will open and produce cotton. And seeds for a new crop...This is very exciting! I am just frustrated at having to wait six months to start... and curious about whether Bodmin Moor, let alone Cornwall, has enough sun for them to flower. And if our inconsistently wet weather would mean I'd still have to regularly water them. Whatever, I hope to learn a lot about cotton growing. I'm sure it won't be easy.
I just took a peek inside the packet – there's three fluffy seeds looking quite unlike seeds I have ever known.
I think even Dorothy Perkins has a range of organic cotton vests and t-shirts now - with money going to the woodland trust or something similar!
Hmm... yes, but isn't that fashion (or spin?) rather than "clothing"? Their website brings up only 3 organic items under a search! Seasalt is the first UK company to have organic clothing certified to Soil Association standards, though admittedly they themselves describe it as "a fashion brand". I feel with Seasalt it's an attitude of sustainable-responsibilitiness, a direction rather than a bandwagon.
PS Didn't know you frequented DottyP!
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